There are an estimated six million* people in the U.S. who are uncomfortable with their birth gender. Three million of these identify strongly with the gender opposite their birth gender. They feel trapped in a life that does not fit. Many see their gender identity as a battlefield, and are not at peace with who they are. Out of obligation to family, friends and career, they attempt to deny or conceal these feelings, and often end up living a secret, closeted life full of fear, guilt and shame.

The ministry Light in the Closet offers a safe place for individuals to discuss, with confidentiality, personal issues, desires and fears they are dealing with. This support ministry is designed for those who are already Christians, but also benefits those who are seeking spiritual or emotional guidance.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Psalm 23:3-5

This is a lay care giving ministry focused mostly on male to female (M2F) gender expressions. It is not a reparative ministry, but one that offers a platform for an honest interchange. Light in the Closet (LITC) offers insights and a Biblical perspective concerning cross-dressing and gender identity. It is our hope that those who read through the materials offered will find acceptance and encouragement. The information and help offered is not a replacement for professional care. For those who need professional medical, clinical or psychological help should pursue those avenues. (See our resource section.)

Some may question the validity of such an intimate ministry and wonder if this topic is outside the scope of Church care. To those I would say that Jesus desires us to be honest with him and each other, and sometimes that honesty is a bit messy.

Although we prefer to avoid the valleys in our lives, most valleys we must walk through. Because Jesus promises to walk through the valley with us, that journey need not be full of frustration, but an honest exploration that will lead to godly growth. Light in the Closet is here to help you walk with Jesus through the valley.

*The figure of 6 million (who question gender identity) is out of the 13.68 million (see Clinical and Sociological Information / 2000 Census) identified as transgender by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and confirmed by various groups including the American Medical Association (AMA). This figure attempts to include all individuals falling under the general category of transgender. Even so, over 95% of these are cross dressers, most of whom are closeted. (See 2000 census under Clinical & Sociological Information.) Figures are estimates and due to the nature of the subject matter, hard data is difficult to gather.


Your questions (and the answers) may be here in this section, which contains articles that ask and answer questions about transgender issues from a Christian perspective.