2023 Keystone Conference

Session: The how, when, why, who and what of telling your gender journey story.

Thursday, March 23, 2023 @ 10:30am

Sheraton Harrisburg-Hershey Hotel 4650 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17111

Light in the Closet will be holding a workshop on:

The How, When, Why, Who and What of Telling Your Gender Journey Story

Speaker:  Kathy Randall Klein, Director Light in the Closet Ministries

Download the Session PDF

Stories are powerful things. 

They can challenge and inspire us. They also help us to connect to each other. By sharing your gender journey story, your challenges, hopes, dreams, and joys you can make important connections. If the story is well thought out and communicated, it can provide compelling context into who you are and an understanding of the “why” behind your gender journey. 

In this presentation, you will hear video-taped accounts of gender-journey stories from Rabbi Levi Alter and Rev. Monica Joy Cross and what happened as a result of their sharing. Attendees will have an opportunity to frame and share their gender story in a small group. As a minister to the transgender community for over 20 years, I have seen how coming out as trans and attempting to maintain relationships can be difficult to navigate. Although support for those who identify as transgender is gaining advocates, many in business and mainstream faith communities are just ignorant of transgender issues, and therefore unsupportive. Telling our stories can help to change that.

SEE THE SESSIONS: https://keystone-conference.org/index.cfm?page=about-workshops.cfm

About the Keystone Conference

This is a conference designed for the Transgendered individual and their inquiring or supportive significant others.  It is a welcoming venue for those who simply wish to explore their gender expression or refine a new life-path. 

Attendees will find four full days of varied and meaningful workshops, seminars and activities and four nights of social functions, the finale being Saturday night’s Keystone Gala Dinner and Dance in the Sheraton’s resplendent Commonwealth Ballroom. For those desiring more social activities, we have arranged activities for all four days as well, and our extraordinary special event rate for this bright and luxurious hotel is extended for those desiring a longer stay in the clean, lovely and historic riverside city of Harrisburg.

2022 Keystone Conference

March 22 – 27, 2022

Sheraton Harrisburg-Hershey Hotel 4650 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17111

Light in the Closet will be holding a workshop on: Friday, March 25 @ 3:30

Navigating Your Spiritual Valley – presented by Kathy Randall

REGISTER HERE https://keystone-conference.org/index.cfm

This is a conference designed for the Transgendered individual and their inquiring or supportive significant others.  It is a welcoming venue for those who simply wish to explore their gender expression or refine a new life-path. 

Attendees will find four full days of varied and meaningful workshops, seminars and activities and four nights of social functions, the finale being Saturday night’s Keystone Gala Dinner and Dance in the Sheraton’s resplendent Commonwealth Ballroom. For those desiring more social activities, we have arranged activities for all four days as well, and our extraordinary special event rate for this bright and luxurious hotel is extended for those desiring a longer stay in the clean, lovely and historic riverside city of Harrisburg.

Thank you to the almost 700+ people who attended our eleventh Annual Keystone Conference in March of 2019 and made it such an overwhelming success! From your suggestions, we are expanding the 2020 Keystone Conference by increasing the number of social and educational programs, broadening the range of topics and expanding the schedule to provide more opportunity to attend the seminars and workshops you want to see and hear.

Light in the Closet is presenting a session: “Navigating Your Spiritual Valley.”  – Presented by Kathy Randall

Workshop on how to plan your spiritual journey90 minutes (See the schedule)

For the transgender Christian, pursuing your faith in a spiritual community can feel more like a valley with all the challenges you may face.  But valley’s need not be terrifying. They can be opportunities for growth!  Attend this session to discover how to chart your spiritual course.

2022 Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference

July 21-23, 2022

Hosted by the Pennsylvania Convention Center at 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Co-sponsors include Transfaith Online. 

Securing human dignity for others and ourselves is not just a laudable goal, but a necessary part of our expression of faith.  This conference offers a faith tract as well as many wellness and medical tracrs.

Light in the Closet is planning to be at this conference presenting a session titled: “Navigating Your Spiritual Valley.” An informational session focused on the affirmations found in Scripture concerning gender identity. This session will focus on the role religion has played (mainly Christian, but not exclusively) concerning the subject of being transgendered. The content will be designed to equip those who are questioning their transgendered nature, or are being persecuted by religious ignorance, to find answers to common questions or objections. We will shed some light on the subject by seeing what the Bible says about nurture, nature choice, as well as other topics. Many religious leaders had a positive view of gender identity and inclusion. Includes a frank discussion on how we (transgender) are a valuable resource to our spiritual communities.

More Coming Soon…